Boards and Commissions

Learn More About Our Boards & Commissions

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The Deacons are dedicated to the spiritually of Lincoln, its ministries and ministerial staff support. The men and women of the Deacon board are a vital and a valuable Church organization.

The Deacon’s mission is to make ourselves available to help with many Church matters. This includes involvement with funerals, Youth Group’s ventures, church outings and church security. Deacons are also active in the choir, as ushers, technology support staff, members of Board of Trustees, Lincoln Life Center Board, Mentoring Group, baptisms and other Church organizations.

We continue to set up and serve communion on the first Sunday of each month, visit the sick and shut in, assist the Pastor and ministerial staff, support of all Church ministries and in general, supporting the spiritual needs of the Church and the Pastor.

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Please join us for an exciting and informative workshop on money management.

The Mission of the Stewardship Commission is to create a culture of giving that encourages people to grow in faith as they joyfully expand their relationship with God and develop a lifestyle of generosity in their finances , their time and their talents.

The Commission works in conjunction with the Pastoral Staff and the Trustee Board to implement an effective, year-round program where members and friends commit to cheerful and consistent giving. The theme for the 2019-20 Campaign is: “Live a God-Pleasing Life”.

The Stewardship Commission is dedicated to presenting information on financial literacy, wealth preservation and estate planning to all age groups in the Lincoln family. For our first workshop, presented in January, 2020, the Commission invited attorneys from Gordon and Gordon, Attorneys at Law to present the “Facts About the Revocable Living Trust”. Additional planned workshops include, “Teach Me How Money Works”, and ”Do I Move -up To a Nicer Home or Downsize to a Retirement Lifestyle Community”. We believe that we please God by being responsible Stewards over the gifts He has given us.

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Christian Education Mission Statement

Just as God has commanded us in 2 Timothy 2:15 to study the word, we are diligently committed to instruct, encourage, direct and prepare people of all ages for the secular and spiritual challenges this world presents by:

  1. Teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ
  2. Strengthening individual and families by encouraging them to study the scriptures, obey the  commandments, receive the essential ordinances, and keep the associated covenants of our Christian faith
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Lincoln Memorial Congregational Church UCC Trustee Board

The Board of Trustees is elected by the congregation at its annual meeting.  Each member serves   minimum of 3 years.  At the end of 3 years a member can be re-elected.  At the end of a second 3 year term the member has to be off the Board for a year and is then eligible for re-election.

Duties & Responsibilities of Board of Trustees

  1. Hire all persons except Senior Pastor and Associate Pastors. All hiring requires input from the Senior Pastor.
  2. The Trustee Board has care and custody of all property owned by the church.
  3. In charge of all financial affairs of the church, always subject to the laws of the State of CA.
  4. Develop annual budget.
  5. Count all donations made to the Church.
  6. Make all contracts for services.
  7. Support vision of the Pastor.